An Open Letter From Ishnath Pathak To “DC” : ol202103101010.txt
Uploaded online at http://www.ishnath.com/ol202103101010.txt on Mar-10,2021 at 10:10 A.M. (IST)
Dear “DC”,
I read what you wrote, and I assume that you either have a copy of it or at the least remember
what you wrote about television, computer etc.
I could write what I have to write, by the way of writing everything right here as a kind of
a postcard on which the writings have been done in public languages; but I intended to write
a strong-worded reply. So I created an electronic file lambda.zip and uploaded it at
http://www.ishnath.com/lambda.zip . Here, of course, lambda is a notation. A notation for a
string of six characters that you (and I assume no one else) can know by reading all that I
have written in the open letter ol202103101010.txt . You can type the above mentioned url
http://www.ishnath.com/lambda.zip in any browser and that browser will let you download the
electronic file lambda.zip to your hard disk. You’ll need a password to extract the contents
of the electronic file lambda.zip . This password can, like the string of six characters that
lambda is a notation for, be figured out by you (and I assume by no one else) by the way of
reading all that I have written in the open letter ol202103101010.txt .
Lemme begin with defining what I mean henceforth in ol202103101010.txt by ‘characters’.
Definition #001> The definition of the word ‘character’:
The following 96 things are called here as ‘characters’.
To each character, there corresponds a unique ‘natural number’.
Natural Number | Character |
01 | q |
02 | Q |
03 | w |
04 | W |
05 | e |
06 | E |
07 | r |
08 | R |
09 | t |
10 | T |
11 | y |
12 | Y |
13 | u |
14 | U |
15 | i |
16 | I |
17 | o |
18 | O |
19 | p |
20 | P |
21 | a |
22 | A |
23 | s |
24 | S |
25 | d |
26 | D |
27 | f |
28 | F |
29 | g |
30 | G |
31 | h |
32 | H |
33 | j |
34 | J |
35 | k |
36 | K |
37 | l |
38 | L |
39 | z |
40 | Z |
41 | x |
42 | X |
43 | c |
44 | C |
45 | v |
46 | V |
47 | b |
48 | B |
49 | n |
50 | N |
51 | m |
52 | M |
53 | 0 |
54 | 1 |
55 | 2 |
56 | 3 |
57 | 4 |
58 | 5 |
59 | 6 |
60 | 7 |
61 | 8 |
62 | 9 |
63 | ! |
64 | @ |
65 | # |
66 | $ |
67 | % |
68 | ^ |
69 | > |
70 | < |
71 | & |
72 | * |
73 | ( |
74 | ) |
75 | _ |
76 | = |
77 | + |
78 | – |
79 | | |
80 | ~ |
81 | \ |
82 | / |
83 | ? |
84 | ; |
85 | , |
86 | . |
87 | enter |
88 | : |
89 | ` |
90 | ‘ |
91 | [ |
92 | { |
93 | ] |
94 | } |
95 | “ |
96 | space |
The 96 characters are denoted in a certain order as C01 through C96.
This order is called here as ‘THEKEY’. This order is not extremely obvious;
i.e. it isn’t necessary for a natural number n satisfying 0 < n < 97,
that the natural number corresponding to Cn has to be equal to n.
For any natural number n satisfying 0 < n < 97, that character to which
n corresponds as the natural number, is denoted by Kn.
Thus, the natural number corresponding to Kn has to be equal to n.
Definition #002> The definition of the word ‘character-string’:
An ordered sequence of a finite number of (not necessarily all distinct) characters
is called here as a ‘character-string’. Names of people and places, passwords etc.
are examples of character-strings.
For instance, the name NEWTON is equal to the character-string K50K06K04K10K18K50
And the password iddqdidkfa5 is K15K25K25K01K25K15K25K35K27K21K58
What follows now is a part of a comprehensive definition of THEKEY.
First person says something to the second person; the third person listens.
The full name of the second person was NAME1 when the third person was sitting on a
sofa, a few yards away from a television. NAME1, of course, has no middle name; it
has just a first name and a last name. All alphabets in NAME1 are written
in the uppercase.
For instance, the full name GURU DUTT can be denoted NAME9, just as NAME1 denotes
the name of the second person when the third person was sitting on a sofa, a few
yards away from a television. So, NAME9 is K30K14K08K14K96K26K14K10K10 and the third
character of NAME9 is K08
The full name of the second person was NAME2 when the third person was standing
on the floor a few yards away from a computer. The third person and the computer
were both at that time placed inside a place whose full name is NAME3. All alphabets
in NAME2 and NAME3 are written in the uppercase.
The third character of NAME2 is C01. The lowercase version of this character is C02.
The second character of Name1 is C03 and its lowercase version is C04.
The second character of Name2 is C05 and its lowercase version is C06.
The first character of Name1 is C07 and its lowercase version is C08.
The first character of Name3 is C09 and its lowercase version is C10.
We know that J is the tenth english alphabet. Here we also write this fact like this:
The serial numbers of K34 and K33 are both equal to 10.
Let <S> denote the serial number of C01 and C02.
Let <P> denote the serial number of C03 and C04.
Let <Q> denote the serial number of C05 and C06.
&, Let <R> denote the serial number of C07 and C08.
C11 is an uppercase character and C12 is its lowercase version.
The serial numbers of C11 and C12 are both equal to <Q> + <S> – <P>
C13 is an uppercase character and C14 is its lowercase version.
<S> + <P> + <Q> – <R> is the serial number of both C13 and C14.
Let lambda denote the character-string C12C08C06C04C14C02
Download the electronic file lambda.zip
The password is lambdaKnsKnpKnqKnr , where
ns stands for 60 + <S> ,
np stands for 60 + <P> ,
nq stands for 60 + <Q> , and
nr stands for 60 + <R> .
Yours Very Truly,
Noida, India.
10:10 A.M. (IST)
Ishnath Pathak
Independent Researcher, Noida 201301, India
Physical Address: S/O Shree Shyam Rudra Pathak,
HD-189, Sector-135, Gautam Buddha Nagar District,
N.C.R., Uttar Pradesh, India, Asia. Pin Code: 201301.
Tel. +911204224645
cell. +919971212367
e-mail: pathak.ishnath@gmail.com
internet: http://www.ishnathpathak.com
Comments have NOT been disabled on the webpage http://www.ishnath.com/fancysite/ol202103101010 ; I, Ishnath Pathak, very earnestly and truly declare here that no kinds of comments will be rejected merely for criticizing ; I shall, however, certainly reply back to selected comments to make sure that I did try my ultimate best to keep all prudent unprejudiced readers of http://www.ishnath.com/fancysite from getting misled by the insane or by the ignorant.
Ishnath Pathak
16 Jul 22 at 11:48 AM (IST) edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?>